Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monson Technology Concerns

It is truly amazing how dependent we have become on technology. I've never realized how important technology is within my professional and personal life until we are faced with such issues. As many of you know, the October snowstorm caused severe infrastructure damage to the school district's network capabilities. I wish I had the magic answer to solve these problems so we can get back to full functioning. Email communication is difficult with several domains and teachers and staff have no access to drives so files are inaccessible.

The most frustrating aspect for the high school is our inability to access our Student Information System. This includes grades. Yes, report cards were supposed to be distributed last week. Due to the technology issues, this is impossible. Once the systems are back up and running we will complete the exporting of grades so we can complete the report card process and distribute. This hopefully will occur soon after the Thanksgiving break.

Seniors should be in contact with their school counselor if our technology problems are interfering with the college admissions process. Our counselors have reached out to several colleges already. Thus far the colleges are understanding. We will do everything within our power to ensure our seniors are not negatively impacted by the technology flaws. Please encourage your seniors to seek out the school counselors with any questions and/or concerns.

Thank you. I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving break!

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