Monson High School is moving to the 21st century in hopes of providing relevant educational opportunities for ALL students. As part of our Innovation School initiative and our Pillar Model, MHS is unveiling an online learning program that aims to support three distinct cohorts:
1. Students who wish to take their entire high school series of courses will have the opportunity to through curriculum offered by K12. These students will be considered Monson High School students and have the full benefits of face-to-face students with access to extra-curricular activites, athletics, guidance services, graduation, etc. Students will be required to be onsite a minimum of one day per week to ensure progress is occuring.
2. Face to face students may wish to compliment their existing traditional schedule with an online course. This opportunity is available to all students wanting an online class that is not offered at Monson High School. These online classes are offered through Aventa, a subset of K12.
3. An online credit recovery program will begin in July 2012. Students who have failed a class during the school year may opt to recover this lost credit through our online program. This is similar to traditional summer school and/or night school programs except that the courses are taught online and provide more flexibility to time and location. Monson residents will be charged $150 per course while non-residents may register for $175 per course. Courses are open year-round to better service students.
The Online Learning Flyer provides a general overview of our new programs. The Full-Time Flyer provides specific information on our K12 program. Feel free to contact Mr. Robert Bardwell at 413.267.4589 x1107 with any questions pertaining to our new online program. An informational evening for interested families will be held on June 19th, 2012 in the MHS cafeteria beginning at 7pm. I encourage all interested students and parents to attend!
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