Sunday, July 31, 2011


As we continue moving into the 21st century and gain access to a myriad of social media resources I have decided to start this blog for a few reasons. Most importantly, I recognize the power of social media and want to tap into this resource as a means of communicating with our students, parents, faculty, and larger community. I will update the blog with current events within Monson High School and thus will discontinue the traditional Principal Newsletter. This change will ensure pertinent information is shared on a more timely basis and hopefully minimize the gap in information sharing between the school and home. When vital information is shared via the blog I will also follow up with a Connect-Ed message to ensure parents are aware of the posting. For those families who cannot access the blog, feel free to contact the MHS Office at 413.267.4589 and a hard copy of the information can be provided.

Through networking with other Principals across the state it is becoming apparent social media and networking is here to stay. Rather than hiding from this fact, lets rejoice it and use it to our advantage! I look forward to your comments and continued collaboration as Monson High School strives to take the lead in the educational frontier!