Monday, January 7, 2013

1st Semi-Annual Math & Science Fair plus More!

You are invited to attend the 1st Semi-Annual Math and Science Fair to be held this Thursday, January 10th, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the MHS library. Students from all honors level math classes, Geometry classes, and Honors Chemistry II have been working diligently on designing and implementing subject-specific projects and will be presenting their research in an exhibition forum. Come see the amazing projects these
students have developed!

Next week marks the end of the first semester. Students have final exams scheduled on Thursday and Friday, January 17th and 18th. Those two days are also 1/2 days for students with dismissal at 10:35am. Please refrain from having your children miss either day or have them dismissed if at all possible. Our teachers have worked hard to prepare their students for the concluding assessments and having students absent only hinders the teachers' abilities to complete the courses.

And finally, school administration and staff have been consulting with the Monson Police Department to ensure our protocols are current and inline to provide the safest environment possible for our students. One concern is the building access before school. Policy states students are not allowed in the building before 7:22am. Past practice has allowed our students to enter the high school prior to this time. Unfortunately we are finding that many students begin roaming the building with no supervision before school begins. We are working on a solution that will allow students who must arrive early access to the building while maintaining a safe and supervised environment. I ask that if possible, please do not have your children arrive before 7:22am. If needed, students can still enter the building and we will continue working on developing a supervised area for your children.

Thank you for your time. I appreciate the support as we continue to serve your children. Take care and have a wonderful evening.